Hydrangeas can grow in full sun as long as they are in soil that holds onto moisture and they receive regular mulching to help retain water. Varieties from the species Hydrangea paniculata have been...
Archives: Blog
If you have roses planted in good soil amended with plenty of organic matter then you will need to water most established roses once per week with around 2 gallons of water during the growing season,...
The optimal soil pH for growing roses is slightly acidic with a pH between 6-7 with a pH of 6.5 considered ideal. If the soil is too acidic (lower than pH 6) or too alkaline (higher than pH 8) the...
Bonfires are a great way to dispose of woody material and hedge cuttings in your yard or garden. The resulting ash acts as a great homemade fertilizer for many plants as it contains potassium,...
How to Fertilize Roses Organically (5 Methods That Actually Work)
Roses are heavy feeders that require a broad spectrum of nutrients throughout the growing season to produce the best blooms. Therefore using a range of organic fertilizers on your rose bed delivers...
Applying mulch to your rose bed is one of the best ways to increase soil fertility, improve drainage, and promote healthy growth with plentiful flowers, but what mulch is the best for roses? The...