Gardener Report is the place for those who love gardening. Here at Gardener Report, we focus on problem-solving the most common gardening woes, whether it be in your ornamental garden or your houseplants plants that sit on your window sill.
We at Gardener Report know how much you care about plants and how overwhelming it can seem to cater to each individual plant’s preferences.
Therefore the articles on this site do their best to break down step by step what your plant needs whether you are trying to get your lavender to flower or revive your ailing houseplants and convey the information in a digestable way for you, the reader.
This is a site written by an experienced professional gardener and has been created for all gardeners whether you are a beginner or an expert. With a readership in the millions every year we share tips and hacks that are actually derived from personal, hands-in-the-soil experience as well as academic study.

We have owned, cared for, and even revived all the plants that are written about on this site.
Our goal is to demystify gardening, share experiences, and generate enthusiasm for gardeners and houseplant parents worldwide!
Gardener report is constantly being updated with new articles by our sole writer and gardening expert Mark Bennett.
Mark is a full-time gardener, with experience working in garden centers and cultivates houseplants through propagation. He has diplomas in botany and horticulture from the Open University and Sheffield College.
Learn more about the writer and owner Mark Bennett!
Gardener Report was founded in 2019.
© 2023 Copyright Gardener report.com
Gardener Report is owned by Mark Bennett and operates with the business name MB Digital Publishing. Companies House: Mb Digital Publishing LTD.
Contact: gardenerreport@gmail.com
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