The reason for African violets dying is usually because of root rot and crown rot or due to cold temperatures. African violets need temperatures in the range of 60°F to 75°F (16°C to 24°C) and...
Category: General Plant Care
I always see English Ivy (Hedera Helix) touted as an easy houseplant to grow indoors. However, from my experience, they do not grow as well in hot and dry climates with low humidity or in houses...
Money trees (Pachira aquatica), also known as Guiana chestnut, are, in my experience, one of the easiest and most elegant houseplants to grow with their glossy green leaves and braided trunks. I...
Monstera deliciosa (aka the Swiss cheese plant) is one of my favorite low-maintenance houseplants for beginners, revered for its stunning split leaves. Whilst monstera plants are easy to care...
The most common reason I see for lilies dying is usually because the bulbs are overcrowded or planted too shallowly. Lilies bulbs should be planted 8 inches apart and 6-8 inches deep. If the bulbs...
The most common reasons for daisies dying that I see are because of not enough sunlight or dry soil. Daisies need around 6 hours of direct light and consistently moist soil to flower and remain...